oral surgery

Oral surgery is a surgical operation performed in the oral cavity (teeth, mucous membranes and accessory tissue) to resolve or remove pathological anatomical abnormalities.

Operations are usually carried out at the dental clinic and normally involve minor surgery, so only a local anaesthetic is needed. Oral surgery is sometimes performed in the operating room under general anaesthetic if extensive surgery is required or if advisable, given the patient's condition.

Types of oral surgery

One of the most common types of oral surgery is wisdom tooth extraction, which is recommended if there is significant pain. Surgery to extract wisdom teeth is also recommended if there is infection, a cyst, or not enough space in the jaw to accommodate all of the teeth.

Other oral surgical interventions include

  • Complex dental extractions.
  • Removal of jaw cysts.
  • Biopsies.
  • Extraction of tooth roots from inside the bone.
  • Prosthetic implants.
  • Lingual frenectomy, or tongue-tie release surgery, which is indicated for children who have limited mobility of the lips and tongue due to the membrane that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth being too large.

    Is any special care needed after oral surgery?

    You must take any medication as indicated and follow the instructions given at the clinic with regard to diet and the use of compresses. This is especially important for the first two hours: use cold compresses, never ice and be careful with what you eat – soft foods of ambient temperature being best. Following these instructions will help ensure a positive outcome from the surgery.